The Ultimate Guide to Packing Duvets for Moving: Tips and Tricks

So, you’re moving to a new home – exciting times are ahead! But as we all know, with great excitement often comes the dreaded task of packing. There’s so much to think about – from clothes and kitchen items to your precious duvet. Fear not, fellow movers, because we’ve got your back when it comes to keeping your bedding protected during this big transition. In this blog post, we’ll share some tips and tricks on how to pack duvets for moving like a pro. Let’s get started!

Why Bother Packing Your Duvet Properly?

You may be wondering why it’s even necessary to take extra care when packing your duvet. After all, isn’t it just a big fluffy blanket? Well, yes and no. While duvets are indeed fluffy and soft (which is what makes them so amazing), they can also be quite delicate.

Duvets are typically filled with either down or synthetic fibers that provide warmth and insulation but can become damaged if mishandled or exposed to moisture or dirt during the move. Plus, let’s not forget that high-quality duvets can cost a pretty penny – making it even more important to protect your investment.

So now that we understand why proper packing is essential let’s dive into how you should go about doing it.

Step 1: Gather Your Supplies

Before you start packing your beloved duvet away for the move, you’ll need some key supplies on hand:

  • Vacuum storage bags
  • Large plastic garbage bags (alternatively)
  • Packing tape
  • A marker/labeling system
  • Space in a sturdy box or suitcase

These tools will ensure that you’re able to safely store and transport your bedding without any hiccups along the way.

Step 2: Clean Your Duvet

It might seem like a trivial step, but trust us when we say you’ll want to make sure your duvet is clean before packing it away. Dirt, oil, and other debris can cause damage over time if left on the fabric.

So go ahead and give your duvet a good washing according to the manufacturer’s instructions (typically found on the care label). Once it’s completely dry (and we mean completely – any remaining moisture could lead to mold or mildew), you’re ready for the next step.

Step 3: Vacuum Seal Your Duvet

Vacuum storage bags are an absolute game-changer when it comes to packing bulky items like duvets. These nifty bags allow you to compress your bedding down significantly, making it much easier to pack and transport.

Here’s how to use them:

  1. Place your folded duvet inside the vacuum bag.
  2. Seal the bag as tightly as possible using its built-in zipper.
  3. Insert the hose of your vacuum cleaner into the designated valve on the bag.
  4. Turn on your vacuum and watch in amazement as all that extra air gets sucked out and your duvet becomes nice and compact.

Now that you’ve got a compressed duvet, you’re ready for boxing!

Note: If you don’t have access to vacuum storage bags, using large plastic garbage bags is an alternative option. Simply place your folded duvet inside a bag, squeeze out as much air as possible by hand, then twist the top of the bag closed before securing with tape.

Step 4: Box Up Your Duvet

You’ve got options here! Depending on what else needs packing, choose from one of these two methods:

Option A: Using a Box

Find a sturdy box that will comfortably fit your compressed duvet without too much extra space – remember; we want to minimize movement during transport. Line the bottom of the box with packing paper or another cushioning material to provide some extra padding.

Place your vacuum-sealed duvet inside the box, and if there’s any remaining space, fill it in with soft items like pillows or stuffed animals – they’ll act as additional cushioning while also making efficient use of space. Finally, seal your box shut with strong packing tape and label it “Duvet” or “Bedding” so you know what’s inside later on.

Option B: Using a Suitcase

If you’ve got an empty suitcase lying around, why not put it to good use? Suitcases make excellent vessels for transporting bedding because they’re durable and offer built-in protection.

Simply place your vacuum-sealed duvet inside the suitcase alongside any other soft items you need to pack (again, we’re all about efficiency here!). Zip up the suitcase, and voila – your duvet is ready for its journey.

Step 5: Load Your Duvet for Transport

When moving day rolls around, make sure to load your boxed or suitcase-encased duvet strategically. Ideally, you’ll want it placed near the top of a stack of items in your moving vehicle since it’s relatively lightweight compared to things like furniture or appliances.

This placement will help prevent accidental damage from occurring due to heavier objects being piled on top during transit.

Bonus Tip: Unpacking Your Duvet at Your New Home

Congratulations! You’ve successfully moved into your new abode. As you start unpacking (and undoubtedly feeling exhausted), resist the temptation to immediately unseal that vacuum storage bag containing your precious duvet. Instead, let it sit out overnight before releasing the vacuum seal and exposing it to fresh air again.

Why? This helps avoid any potential buildup of moisture within the bag which could have occurred during transport (especially if there were extreme temperature fluctuations). Plus, it gives your duvet a chance to breathe and regain its original fluffiness after being compressed for so long.

Wrapping Up

Packing duvets for moving doesn’t have to be hard. With the right supplies and technique, you can ensure your bedding stays clean, dry, and protected during the entire moving process.