How To Pack Canned Goods For Moving? Should You Move Them?

If you’re like most people, you have a lot of stuff. And if you’re like most people, a good chunk of that stuff is canned goods. Whether it’s tuna fish, sardines, or soup, odds are you’ve got at least a few cans of food stashed away in your pantry.

But what do you do with all those cans when it’s time to move? Do you just throw them in a box and hope for the best?

Not if you want your canned goods to survive the move intact! In this article, we will give you all the tips you need on how to pack canned goods so they stay safe during your move.

Wrapping canned goods for moving

When you are moving, it is important to pack your canned goods properly to prevent them from breaking and spilling. Here are some tips on how to wrap and move your canned goods:

  • Wrap several cans together in bubble wrap or packing paper.
  • Place the wrapped cans in a sturdy box with padding on the bottom.
  • Pack the cans tightly together so they don’t shift during transport.

Placing canned goods in boxes for moving and storage

When you are packing up your home to move, or even just putting things into storage, it is important to know how to properly pack canned goods. Canned goods can be easily damaged if not packed correctly, so it is crucial that you take the time to do it right. Here are some tips on how to pack canned goods for moving and storage:

  • Use smaller boxes for heavier items like cans of soup or vegetables. This will make them easier to carry and less likely to topple over and crush your fragile items.
  • Pack the heaviest items at the bottom of the box and work your way up to the lightest items. This will help keep everything stable during transit.
  • Wrap the cans in bubble wrap or paper towels before placing them in the box. This will provide an extra layer of protection against bumps and jostling during the move process.

If possible, try to use plastic tubs rather than cardboard boxes for storing canned goods long term as they will protect against moisture and pests.

Where to place boxes of canned goods in a moving truck?

Canned goods should be placed near the front of the moving truck so that they can be easily accessed during the move. If possible, place them on a shelf or in a box so that they are not directly on the floor.

How many canned goods to put in one box?

When packing canned goods into a box, it is important to consider both the weight of the cans and the space available in the box. For example, if you have a lot of lightweight cans, you may be able to fit more than 50 cans into one box. However, if you are packing heavier cans, like soup or chili jars, then 20-25 might be a better estimate for how many could fit. Here are some other tips:

  • Arrange your canned goods so that they are stable and will not topple over during shipping.
  • If possible, use smaller boxes so that each individual can doesn’t need to support too much weight.
  • Pack similar items together so that they do not shift around and become damaged.

What to do if your canned goods are damaged during the move?

If your canned goods are damaged during the move, don’t panic! There are a few things you can do to salvage them.

First, check to see if the cans are dented or otherwise damaged. If they’re just dented, they should be fine to eat. However, if there’s a hole in the can or it’s leaking, throw it out. Next, inspect the contents of the cans. If everything looks normal and intact, then you can go ahead and use them. However, if there’s evidence of spoilage (moldy food, off smells), discard those as well. Lastly, if you’re not sure whether or not the food is safe to eat, throw it out.

Best way to store canned goods

When it comes to canned goods, there are a few things you should keep in mind in order to ensure that they remain fresh and edible. Here are some tips on the best way to store canned goods:

  • Canned goods should be stored in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. A pantry or cupboard is ideal.
  • Avoid storing cans on the floor; shelves provide better air circulation which helps prevent rusting. If possible, rotate your stock so that older cans are used first.
  • Do not stack cans too high; this makes them difficult to reach and can cause them to topple over.
  • Inspect all canned goods before using them, discarding any that are expired, leaking, or otherwise damaged.

How long can you store canned goods?

Canned goods are one of the most versatile and long-lasting foods that you can have in your pantry. With proper storage, canned goods can last for years. Here is a guide to how long you can store different types of canned goods:

  • Fruits and vegetables: 2-5 years
  • Meat and poultry: 2-5 years
  • Soups and stews: 1-2 years

Packing canned goods for moving summary

Packing canned goods for a move can seem like an unnecessary task, but it’s actually one of the most important things you can do to make sure your food stays safe. Not only will packing them properly protect your cans from being damaged in transit, but it will also help ensure that they don’t spoil and end up making your entire move smell bad. There are proper steps for how to pack canned goods for moving.

Pack them in sturdy boxes with plenty of padding so they don’t bang around during transport. Make sure they are packed tightly so they don’t get dented. Label each box clearly with what is inside so you know exactly what you have when you unpack.